
Spring break!

The current week is the last week of lectures, so they're going to be the final examinations (just finals if you're fancy) in the upcoming week and the spring quarter is about to start, but there's one magic week of break in between, called spring break which is famous to be the year's party season. I always thought it's one party and afterwards everybody is so exhausted that they need an actual break for a week...
... However, I received a campus e-mail that the warm-up is going to start at the first weekend of spring break. I had to re-scale the dimensions of spring-break I was thinking about, if the warm-up is already during the first two nights.

 "All laws are strictly enforced"-sign during Halloween last year.

The safety procedures seem to be similar to the Halloween-shutdown last year: There will be a no-guest-policy (no guests allowed in your apartment; no idea how they are going to check it), a huge fence across the street and check points whenever you want to enter the graduate student apartment complex.

Never mind, that graduate students probably won't party during spring break compared to the huge amount of nearly always celebrating undergraduates whose village starts opposite of the graduate apartments. The first best step to party-safety seemed to be to build a 6-feet-high fence around the graduate apartments!