
Small changes

All the basic things happening in the US seem to be very similar to Europe, e. g. people prefer cars for distances longer than 2 km ;-), there is a sidewalk and a separate way for bicycles and so on. But there are some tiny details which are different, of course.

Talking about water: The sunset at the University's South end. For more Pictures go to "Impressions" in the upper selection bar.

For example, if you (as an innocent pedestrian) are waiting at the traffic lights you push a button (as in Europe), but when the lights turn white (instead of green) you hear a very loud sound for a short time and then the traffic lights start a count down, so you won't think about running across the street when the last seconds for the pedestrians begin. Actually, this system is very useful, because the light switch not directly to red, but stay "green" or "white" or whatever for a short time - and you know the time you need.

Then there's the shower. It works! But there's no tube. The greatest possible interaction with the way the water takes is the vertical alignment of the shower head which is fixed to the wall; that's exactly one degree of freedom, up and down.

That's not the only thing with water. Probably a small children might name three things necessary for life: food, water and a water filter. The water around here (and as far as I know in the entire US) has very different sodium and chlorine concentrations and it's nearly undrinkable if you don't filter it. So let's take a Swiss knife and a water filter if you ever think about stranding on a lonely US-island ;-)